To register for Stage 1 of the GEVC please fill out this online form. You must enter a valid university email address and mailing address. Please include the country code with the telephone number. Within 2 business days of this submission you will receive an invoice for the participation fee. The online registration and Installment 1 of the participation fee (see below) must be received prior to the registration closing date to be officially entered in the competition. No exceptions will be made.
The participation fee for Stage 1 is $500 and shall be paid in two installments as follows:
Installment 1:    $250 to be paid prior to the closing of the official registration. This participation fee is non-refundable.
Installment 2:    250 to be paid prior to the final design report submission deadline. Teams that wish to withdraw from the competition prior to submission of the final report are not required to pay installment 2.